
This site is a collection of different projects and achivements done or occupying a person. Since this person really tend to go beyond "all the way", the person goes under the nick name Megalomania666. This alias was actually picked by Megalomania666 without knowing the meaning of it, back in the 90-is. Through the years that have followed since then this, name have come to describe this person better and better. Rarely settling for that which suits others, wanting to kneel down. Megalomania666 aims for the near impossible. Obsessed by glorious goals and treasures of all sorts which grinding something might give. Relentlessly carry out goals determined that, the solution and meaning comes after achievements. When bit by something, walking away or quiting it is not an option. Keeping a tunneled vision on something, leaving it impossible to lay hands of it. Determined that suffering and lunacy is the best currency to prevail and prosper with. Helped by a stamina almost as big as Megalomanias stubbornness, lots of deeds have been done.

All in the name obstinate glory!


Completed Games

Console Video Games

Diablo 2

Nihlathaks Temple


Physical challenges